This falls into the general category of “God’s Timing is Perfect!.” With many people believing that it was “only through the Grace of God” in which Donald Trump survived an assassin’s bullet on that Saturday in Pennsylvania, I think there was an additional element worthy of consideration.

If God is sure that President Trump is America’s leadership ‘answer,’ he would have ‘intervened’ during the questionable 2020 election results. Since God is not only “perfect” but also practical, he knows NOW is the time for another term for President Trump and NOT in 2020. Why, you ask?

In 2020, the Wahington DC ‘establishment’ and its media ‘henchpersons’ were exerting a tremendous amount of efforts to work against any and all ideas of the Trump administration. Additionally, Mr. Trump was still learning “How” to get things done; he was not as effective and efficient as he needed to be.

By allowing all of us to ‘experience’ four years of the Biden administration, we now have the perfect ‘reference’ from which to proceed over the next four years. Also, the President has learned how to better run a campaign and more importantly, to have the best team for him to lead the country. Without these last four years, people would not have had the opportunity to compare and contrast what “is and what can/should be.”

It really does not matter if it is Biden, Harris or whomever, it is more a contest of “The America First” agenda and the extreme, leftist plans to significant change what it traditionally means to be “American.” I certainly do not know the results of this upcoming November’s election but if in fact, God has a ‘preference,’ it seems that he wanted HIS choice in 2024 and not in 2020. I guess we will all find out if we really are “One Nation Under God” and what that REALLY means?

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