It seems obvious, to me at least, that the main issues currently facing all of us in the entire United States will require widespread and very long-term solutions (certainly not solved by any state’s secession!). While the “America First” movement provides us with a good ‘direction,’ it is little more than the correct beginning in the same manner in which finding the ‘right’ property lot is a good (and essential) start for building one’s “dream home.” Next comes breaking ‘ground’ in which to construct the necessary foundation enabling/supporting a solid (and tall?) structure.
I am suggesting that the Census that is coming up in 2030 can be and SHOULD be that “foundation.” Without a clear, accurate and timely count of who and where we are, it is impossible to set any course for any where we want/need to go. There is absolutely no technological excuse for not having a comprehensive and continuously ‘update-able’ record of our entire population. (If Amazon can, why can’t we?). Being known and ‘find-able’ seems like an exceedingly small price to pay for all the rights and benefits of American citizenship? I certainly do not believe that 99% of the ‘good and decent’ people would mind sharing their census information at all. As for the 1% of “bad actors,” why should ANYONE give one hair of a rat’s ass what they want? They are “foes” of America!
This Census can provide the perfect opportunity to address a couple of major issues plaguing us most recently. First, the overall methodology of our Federal election process can begin with the issuance of one, legitimate and non-counterfeit-able VOTER I.D.entification. I am not a detail-type guy but whether picture, fingerprint, chip or whatever else passes Elon-Muster, is good enough for me. Also, this could enable whatever changes are deemed necessary to produce the ‘performance’ of a ‘Florida-like’ system. Again details best left to the experts…e.g., national holiday, paper ballots, revised absentees, etc.
The next essential agenda item must be a formal, official, legal and incontrovertible Immigration Policy/Legislation. If we know how many people we have and what they can contribute then and only then, can we begin to understand how many people of what skill set/talent level that we can solicit or accept the appropriate ‘application.’ Once again, I know that the “devil is in the details” but since I tend to be more of an ‘angel,’ I trust that the “Make America Great Again” ‘team’ is very well equipped for such a Herculean task with such Gargantuan possibilities.
Maybe this will enable some of the ‘less fashionable’ minorities like the poor, WASP’y people (Appalachia) and the original Native Americans to get more of the attention that some of the higher-profile minorities have strongly been lobbied. I’m thinking that Vice-President J.D. Vance might be right person for this assignment since, if all goes well, he should be an instrument part of the Administration when 2030 takes effect.
The thing about previous censuses, is that: 1.) they did not use the current ‘best available’ technologies and 2.) I am not sure that they collected the “most/best data” for the requirements/opportunities of our future utilities/requirements.
Remember the old joke about the ‘stranger’ asking the farmer for directions and the farmer’s response is: “you can’t get THERE from HERE!” That is exactly analogous to the current condition of our populace in that we do not really know who/where we are enough for even the best Leadership to create a “vision” for WHAT we need to become let alone how-in-the-hell to get there.
With a national debt approaching 40 TRILLION Dollars, an accurate, complete census can have the biggest impact on improving our Economy and annual deficit spending. Imagine the amount of errors, fraud and misappropriations on “entitlement” programs alone? No one would suggest that anyone be denied, underpaid or cheated out of any legitimate compensation. I am convinced, however, that many Billions of Dollars are wasted on UN-deserving Medicaid and Medicare payments. Just guesstimate the costs associated with illegal immigrants who have no lawful claims to those benefits of Actual citizenship.
In any business venture, accurate records are essential to conducting said business. Whether it be sales, inventory, accounts payable, student course-credit grades or even fish eggs in a hatchery, to think that anyone can effectively and efficiently run a country the size and complexity of America WITHOUT “Management Information Systems” is sheer lunacy. Remember, Information is POWER and without it, absolutely NOTHING can be controlled or be under control.
It might have been remotely possible when the USA was a nation of 100 million of fairly homogeneous European, white, Christians whose decisions were made predominantly by men but THAT has become quaint and nostalgic remembrance of ancient history. Our current situation may seem complicated (with a truly diverse 350 million people), but it is totally within our ability to achieve. Our Defense budget alone would ‘stagger’ most countries!
My hypothesis is that any resistance to this idea would be based on “fear and/or greed,” just like the activity of investing. I think there can be an unrealistic “paranoia’ of Libertarian-types that the Government will use any collected information AGAINST individual freedoms. Like the old saying goes: “if one has done NOTHING WRONG, there is no reason to worry!” For those who have DONE WRONG, their ‘worry’ will make it easier for the Government to “get them” and they SHOULD be ‘got’ because you are costing the rest of us a lot of ‘unnecessaries.’
For those unreasonably ‘selfish’-types, one should have enough sense of fairness and patriotism to be willing to pay one’s proportional share for the cost of running the Greatest Civilization in History. Even the King-of-the-Jungle does not take more than its ‘fill,’ it leaves some for the hyenas to eat also.
Therefore, I also believe that the 2030 Census is the perfect opportunity to address any potential changes to the Federal Tax Code. With the 2025 initiative of the Trump administration to identify waste and unnecessary/unproductive spending, we might discover further ways to reduce taxes without compromising the budget and/or standard-of-living.
Our Christian culture is one of “generosity” so, I doubt any truly “needy” citizens would ever go ‘without’ any of life’s necessities.
In conclusion, let me refer to a Biblical analogy: God told St. Peter to build the Christian Church on a “ROCK” – not sand, clay or dirt. He did so in order to stand the test of time and to support ALL of its “followers.” Likewise, I am suggesting that America build its future on a ‘solid’ 2030 Census as the long-lasting basis of all things for those willing to be genuine, “America First” citizens.