Whether anyone likes it or not, America was established by White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Men. Others may have had their chances, but others did not defeat the British nor develop the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution or The Federalist Papers, etc.

While I am not an unequivocal devotee of all things WASP, I do respect and recognize the significance of what they created/established as “The United States of America.” I find the WASP culture to be a bit “arrogant” and “entitled” but that may just be the difference between a southern European versus a northern European perspective? Not unlike the distinction between the northern and the southern United States ‘versions’ of America.

Immigrants to American are much like rainfall from the clouds (formed by the evaporation of saline water) which, eventually makes its journey all the way down to the underground reservoirs. The rain must be ‘filtered’ through the dirt, the sand, the clay and the aquifer rock before it becomes purified and potable water. I have found that to be an analogous filtration process which must also happen for immigrants through the generational ‘system’ of becoming a genuine part of the American “dream’ culture.

The closer that one starts out with WASP ‘values,’ the easier (and sooner) that one’s integration can take ‘hold.’ For example, The Irish immigrants were “WASc’s” and only had to overcome their religious difference of being Catholic Christians. This was not always an easy task but certainly easier than other groups. It took maybe one or two generations to become fully “Americanized.”

The Italians were only “wec,” meaning ‘darker’ white, southern European and Catholic Christian. Sociologically they were labeled as being not-very-assimilable. This factor possibly contributed to “mafia’ formation at worst and a generally ‘clan-ish’ separation within society’s WASP American culture at best. If so desired (and being called a “cottage cheese cannoli”), it took maybe two or three generations to become fully “Americanized.”

Jewish immigrants were only “ws” meaning ‘recognizably’ white and mostly from a saxony section of central Europe. Since without a “homeland” for so long, they were fairly good at figuring out the ‘secrets’ of the American culture and succeeding fairly well on those terms. They had to overcome antisemitism, however, and in somewhat a cyclical fashion, are now seemingly faced with rising antisemitism again in current circumstances. As with the Italians, it usually took two or three generations to ‘pass’ for WASP.

These are three examples of the ‘filtration’ process that I believe it takes to succeed through the time and generational ‘changes’ necessary in order to adopt and adapt to the American culture. This, for the sole purpose of taking full advantage of the American Dream opportunities on the requisite ‘terms.’ I think the same process holds true even though the new waves of immigrants are from even more ‘different’ places. “People of Color” are obviously more recognizable than say, most  Europeans. Hispanics are obviously not from an Anglo-Saxon part of the world. Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus do not worship the same “savior” that the Protestant Christians do.

I maintain that the process of American “filtration” is exactly the same for the latest wave of LEGAL immigrants as it has always been: Learn English, Embrace Capitalism, Utilize Democratic Government, Speak Freely but Constructively and Worship Personally and Privately. This was sometimes ‘expedited’ through marriage.

At the risk of too much generalization (my specialty 😉), I can see different ‘timetables’ for the various new groups of immigrants. Many Indians seem really adept at figuring out the ‘game’ of American success while taking only one or two generations to make their inculcation. They remind me of Jewish immigrants but without the burden of so much prejudice. I see many Asians like the Italians in that they are ambitious and aggressive but sticking very much to themselves and playing the American ‘game’ by their own, modified ‘rules.’ Most Hispanics seem conservative like their Irish Catholic brethren and are very industrious but seem to be more resistant of giving up their Hispanic cultural ‘identifiers’ (e.g., Spanish language).

Like I’ve said before, if you like the United States’ “opportunities,” then start the ‘filtration’ process of what it takes to become “American.” If not, find a place that is a better fit for you…good luck and God bless!

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