How does “Survival of the Fittest” translate into modern life when we don’t face the same “Laws of the Jungle” that our ancestors did with regard to nutritional sustenance, shelter migration, mating/procreation and overall safety just in order to survive.

I see the current challenge of evolution as one of enduring frustration, continual consternation, perpetual patience, tenacious tolerance and the ability to continuously suffer fools gladly. Or, in other words, “how much shit can one put up with until one just gives up?”

On a different manifestation level, I still see Darwin’s theory at work.

Oh maybe not having to out-run a Saber-Tooth Tiger but trying to out-last the hours-and-hours on “hold” dealing with voice-activated customer service attempts at ‘problem’ resolutions?

We may not have to forage for days on end to find food and water but how difficult is it to locate and maintain regular human interaction for acquaintance, association or day I say, real human relationships?

We may have many modern conveniences to make our need to work less at ‘employment’ but how many of life’s responsibility ‘needs’ allow for much time for relaxation, meditating, incubation or just taking the time to even “smell the roses” instead of perpetual bureaucratic/administrative “red tape”?

We may have many new medicines to prevent and/or cure much of the disease which affected the quality and length of life, but can technology be considered a ‘disease’ of sorts? How has $10 party-line monthly phone bill turned into a $100/month cell phone 24/7/365 addiction? Or a commercial-free cable delivery system morphing into a 400 channel behemoth?

How many people can really even comprehend or even sort through the machinations of health care insurance even though the theory of “protection “ is sound? In reality it is really geared towards “sickness” care and not the prevention of illness and the maintenance of people’s health at all.

Education is a good thing for overall Human Development, right? But when does knowing “too much” reach a point of diminishing returns? Are there not different things that are best learned at certain ages or certain stages of life and not too soon or too much? When do school teachers, You Tube channels and Tic Toc websites take over the decisions of educating our children WITHOUT any consent from parents or responsibility for their growth into adulthood at all?

I think you all get my point here, only the exceptionally strong among us are going to survive all of these challenges. They may not come from “Mother Nature” like in Darwin’s time, but they might be even more daunting due the fact that they are MAN-MADE with the full consent of the total world or at least those ‘elite’ who control the ‘progress’ of our overall evolution.

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