First let me state for the record that, until 2 years ago, I was a full-fledged Democrat. I was reared on National Public Radio and a devoted, daily consumer of all things NBC News.

That changed with the Biden election as I wandered over to Fox Radio first and then to Fox TV News as a result of what I heard on the radio. Since that time, I have discovered that the more ‘dominant’ left-wing media and the more “conservative” media do not see the world or the report news in any similar manner. It is like the glass half full/half empty example except that one side sees the glass as containing ‘milk’ and the other side see it as containing ‘juice’. This has caused me to see MY glass as ”empty” after ‘draining’ it of scotch as a result of MY consternation!

Since most everyone gets much of their comprehension of the world’s “reality” (or perception thereof) from the “talking heads” on TV and/or the unvetted, Internet ‘experts’ on Social Media, we pretty much have accepted a passive role and gullible posture as it pertains to current information. We are all too busy/lazy to do our own research which is much too abundant to sort through and we are all too willing to believe the most convincing ‘reporters’ of our own points of view.

So, here is my all-too-common-sense suggestion: Have regular debates between and among the ‘commercial’ purveyors/providers of News. It can be like the old college format of the “G.E. College Bowl”. A ‘commission’ can set the rules and moderate while each side can choose their own “Debaters” based on each particular topic.

The awesome effect is that if any one of the ‘networks’ refuse the “challenge”, it becomes an automatic perceived victory through the concept of “forfeiture.”

Subjects like the Economy; Foreign Policy; Immigration; Abortion; etc. should provide for lively discussions. Three or Four ‘journalists’ from each team can try to convince all audiences of a “left”, “right” or ‘wrong’ perspective for many of these ‘controversial’ issues. The “winning” team can be given the coveted title of “Master Debaters”.  :o)

For example, was the 2020 election ‘fair’?; is the Southern Border “secure”?; is Inflation under ‘control’?; Was there Russia, “collusion” in the 2016 election?; did Donald Trump cause the January 6th ‘disturbance at the Capitol?; did Joe Biden ‘enrich’ his family through the practice of using his name ‘brand’ in dealing with Foreign entities? No shortage of ‘perceptions’ there!

Bottom line is that all of these politician ‘actors’ have great writers; are too well coached; are too good at ‘spinning’; are great at avoidance; and are very competent at “lying” for us to fairly evaluate our take on the real “truth” from a couple of debates/press conferences. I, for one, would much rather see/hear a weekly ‘explanations’ of the latest ‘news’ from people who seem much more ‘steeped’ in it (as well as steeped in other, less fragrant) things than our politicians, (ESPECIALLY “Candidates!”)

It certainly would be a more efficient use of our collective time if we could compare and contrast each side at one time. Full disclosure, when I listen to each side, I am much more inclined to be convinced/identify with the Fox News-type assessments/evaluations.

When I listen to the interpretations from the left, it does not ring ‘true’, so my mind tends to wander towards things like; how much ‘larger’ Joe Scarborough’s head is than Mika Brzezinski’s, even though their brains must be the same size.

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